Driesen + Kern GmbH
Company information
Driesen + Kern was founded in 1977 starting as a distributor for various foreign companies such as Vaisala and Grant/Eltek. Lateron the company started to distribute more poducts from companies such as TSI Inc, Sensirion Inc., Senseair AB. Following customers´ requests Driesen + Kern started developping and manufacturing its own instruments. In 1993 the company moved to a new facility in Bad Bramstedt and invested in new technologies for miniaturising Sensors, transducers and Dataloggers.
In-house calibration equipment for many physical parameters as for example humidity, temperature, pressure etc. ensure a fast and efficient calibration service for customers. In 1996 a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO9001 has been introduced.
The employees of Driesen + Kern GmbH are specialized and well educated engineers and service technicians providing best customer support. A high quality standard is very important for the miniaturized instruments and that´s why a 100%-test is performed before the instrument is shipped to a customer.
Driesen + Kern GmbH