Save Energy with Infrared Arrays
The possible uses of Heimann Sensor's infrared sensors, arrays and gas sensors are diverse: from medical applications such as fever measurement and capnography (measurement of the carbon dioxide content in a patient's exhaled air) to private areas such as ambient assisted living and temperature regulation of electrical appliances in the kitchen and bathroom to industrial applications in process control, the automotive industry or in the smartphone sector.
Due to the large increase in energy and raw material prices this year, entrepreneurs and private individuals have an even greater interest in saving electricity and heating costs. Heimann Sensor's infrared arrays, used in home automation systems, heating devices and air conditioning systems, enable a tageted use of cooling and heating capacitythanks to infrared presence detection, and thus make an excellent contribution to reducing costs.
New arrays with a higher number of pixels (60x40, 84x60, 120x84) expand the possible uses for public spaces and for greater distances or room heights.