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White Paper: In situ U-value measurement: Heat flux method versus temperature based method

12 June 2015

greenTEG AG: The energy performance of a building envelope and corresponding U-values can be accurately estimated in an analytical way if the material values of its constituent layers and the influence of the environmental conditions are well known. However, in many cases accurate material and environmental data is not available or altered due to ageing effects. Therefore, experts have a growing demand for reliable U-value data based on empirical in situ measurements.

Two different methods are currently available to perform a U-value measurement: the temperature based method (TBM) and the heat flux method (HFM). Although both types of measurements provide the user with an in-situ U-value, there is a significant difference between the two kinds of measurements especially in terms of quality and accuracy.

In our latest White Paper the two methods are compared.


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