Low cost PT7000 SS IP68 load cell from the famous New Zealander PT Ltd
The PT7000 welded stainless mini disk is the long awaited IP68 stainless upgrade to the ever popular LPX tool steel mini disk. The PT design team has maintained the physical dimensions of the existing LPX model range allowing for simple upgrading. Utilizing similar high technology welding techniques as used on the world famous HPC truckcell the PT7000 is simply the best low profile sealed stainless compression cell we have ever offered. Suitable for tank, hopper, silo work and all industrial-weighing projects the PT7000 can be mixed with existing LPX models if a full cell upgrade is not wanted. A neat feature with the upgrade is that the PT7000 no longer bolts through the bottom plate, it is a simple drop in load cell making it easy to remove for repairs or maintenance.
The true benefits of the PT7000 are realized when the Accupoint Weighing Modules are used. Two dedicated weigh modules are available Accupoint Static (AWMS) and the Accupoint Dynamic (AWMD).
Each load cell comes with the standard PT Ltd serial numbered accuracy certificate and our famous 3 year warranty.