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Wind turbines - Impressive performance in extreme operating conditions

Wind turbines - Impressive performance in extreme operating conditions

12 September 2023

Wind turbines
Impressive performance in extreme operating conditions

At MicroControl’s we are convinced that the future of wind power generation depends on the quality of the technology and the reliability of the control systems. With robust, reliable and precise control units and I/O boxes, we contribute to the efficiency and safety of large wind turbines.

The perfect solution for timely detection of damage and tensions by strain gauges at the rotor blades of wind turbines!

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FrOSCon 2023
Exciting training opportunities for development engineers

Our development engineers took part in this year’s FrOSCon, a renowned conference for open source tools and free software. The event is organized in close liaison with the Bonn Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and provides a unique opportunity for technical training and exchange.

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Save the date:
Training J1939, 17. + 18. October

  • overview of J1939 specificatioins
  • physical layer, application layer
  • analysis, error detection, sample applications
  • more...

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