SENSOR+TEST: Review and Outlook
SENSOR+TEST Shines in Light of Growth and Rave Reviews
Sensor+Test: The move to the new halls and thus the expansion of exhibition and floor space has led to an exceptional boost in all key growth figures for this year’s SENSOR+TEST in Nürnberg. The results of the visitor and exhibitor polls show that quantity and quality are not mutually exclusive.
Thus the number of visitors increased by a notable 21% to 8,656 (previous year: 7,142), while the number of exhibitors rose by 7% to 586 (compared to last year’s 548). The present 25% share of international visitors was topped by 37% of foreign exhibitors, impressively confirming that the SENSOR+TEST is the worldwide leading trade fair for sensing, measuring, and testing technology.
A solid 98% of all polled visitors were satisfied with the scope of information and the contact options provided at the stands. The exhibitors also gave the SENSOR+TEST top grades.
Elena Schultz, head of Marketing and Communication at imc Test & Measurement GmbH agrees. “We were very satisfied with the SENSOR+TEST this year,” she said. “Kudos to the entire organizer team. The new hall concept, with two opposite visitor entrances and the intermingling of measuring and sensing technologies worked out well and has given the attractiveness of the SENSOR+TEST an additional boost. Both the frequency and quality of contacts was consistently very good over all three days of the fair.”
The visitor structure of the SENSOR+TEST reflects a cross-section of all branches of industry, with a clear emphasis on machinery and plant engineering as well as automotives. Thus 93% of the exhibitors were able to reach their major target groups at the fair, while 88% expect trade-fair follow-up business.
The complete exhibition analysis of the SENSOR+TEST 2016 including all key figures and the results of the visitor and exhibitor poll can now be downloaded at www.sensor-test.com.
After the fair is before the fair: The SENSOR+TEST 2017 – with the special topic “Networked Measuring for Mobile Applications” – will be held from 30 May to 1 June 2017 again in Nürnberg and in parallel with the two scientific AMA Conferences SENSOR and IRS2.
Holger Bödeker, managing director of AMA Service GmbH, looks confidently to the future. “The demand for reliable measuring data in our digital, networked world is continuously increasing,” he stated. “If you want to know how international experts precisely determine these measuring data, intelligently process them, and safely transmit them to the Internet of Things or into the processes of Industry 4.0, go to the SENSOR+TEST as the optimal source of information. The great resonance of the exhibitors, the many queries by new suppliers, and the attractive special topic point to a continued positive development next year.”