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A new electronic differential indicator by Euroswitch

A new electronic differential indicator by Euroswitch

31 May 2016
The latest-technology frontier for continuous filter clogging control at the Sale Marasino-based company

To complement the popular range of electric and electronic differential visual indicators, Euroswitch, the leading Italian sensor manufacturer based in Sale Marasino, near Brescia, presents the new electronic differential indicator, model 980, for a continuous even more precise and accurate monitoring of the state of clogging of filter elements.

This new product mainly features two alarm threshold setting options. Unlike what  happens with differential transmitters, the signal is linked to differences in pressures (P1 high and P2 low), with the possibility for the user to choose the value to be attributed to digital outputs (three outputs: one analogue and two digital).

The technical characteristics can be summarised as follows:

  • a 4-20mA analogue signal – starting from 25% of full scale
  • 0.5-10 bar setting range (high-end products from main competitors can work at 1.3-9 bar)
  • digital outputs programmable at 75% and 100% of the setting pressure
  • maximum working pressure 350-450 bar, depending on the thread diameter
  • built-in temperature sensor for thermal offset and lock
  • electrical connection with a 5-pin M12 plug
  • brass or steel body
  • complete separation between clean and contaminated fluid.

Being highly performing, the 980 electronic differential indicator is clearly compatible with any type of fluids, including gaseous substances. Being extremely compact (it is less than half the size of similar products), the digital outputs can be set as desired (time delay, ascending and descending hysteresis and pressure delay) – the entire system is inhibited (thermal lock) until a set temperature threshold is exceeded.

It is designed for use in filtering, hydraulic and plumbing systems.

Special versions with different materials and/or electrical connections are available on request, in accordance with the practice adopted since long by Euroswitch, which has always manufactured tailored products to meet customer-specific needs. An Atex-certified version  is also available on request.

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